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West Virginia Network

Travel West Virginia Trails Online - Hiking, bike, Ski, Horseback recreation trails and more!Travel West Virginia Trails Online - Hiking, bike, Ski, Horseback recreation trails and more!Travel West Virginia Trails Online - Hiking, bike, Ski, Horseback recreation trails and more!
Travel West Virginia Trails Online - Hiking, bike, Ski, Horseback recreation trails and more!
Travel West Virginia Trails Online - Hiking, bike, Ski, Horseback recreation trails and more!
Travel West Virginia Trails Online - Hiking, bike, Ski, Horseback recreation trails and more!
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Millenium Trail
G. Washington Bicentenial Trail
Travel West Virginia Trails Online - Hiking, bike, Ski, Horseback recreation trails and more! Travel West Virginia Trails Online - Hiking, bike, Ski, Horseback recreation trails and more!
Travel West Virginia Trails Online - Hiking, bike, Ski, Horseback recreation trails and more!
Travel West Virginia Trails Online - Hiking, bike, Ski, Horseback recreation trails and more!
Trail Quiz Answers

The Appalachian Trail (AT) crosses through what West Virginia counties?
Answer: Jefferson and Monroe

Bonus Question...How many footsteps does it take to complete the 2,100 mile Appalachian Trail?
Answer: 5,240,000

Name three "Rail Trails" in West Virginia.
Answer: Possibilities: North Bend, Deckers Creek, Tri/Cranberry

One of the only places left to see old trees of this type is on the Virginia __________ Trail near Cooper's Rock State Forest. Tsuga canadensis is the scientific name, what is the common name of this tree, which is also the name of the trail?
Answer: Hemlock or Eastern Hemlock

How many miles of named trails are there in West Virginia? (In hundreds)
Answer: 500

How long is the Allegheny Trail? Hint: It runs across West Virginia from Pennsylvania to Virginia. (Approximately)
Answer: 300

How many miles of trails are maintained by the national forest service on national forests in West Virginia? (In hundreds)
Answer: 1000

What is the name of the other long distance trail crossing West Virginia? Hint: It is not the Appalachian or the Allegheny and it it used to be called the Big Blue.
Answer: The Tuscarora (Formerly Big Blue) Trail

West Virginia State Parks are great places to hike and learn about our state. How many State parks does West Virginia have?
Answer: 34

What is the highest point in West Virginia?, and what is the elevation in feet?
Answer: Spruce Knob, 4861

What leaves should you not use for toilet paper? In other words what does Poison Ivy (Toxicodendron radicans) look like?
Answer: This very common plant is a vine with leaves in sets of three. The leaves are green but turn red and yellow in the fall. This plant can be very low to the ground (1"-10") and/or can grow as a huge vine on trees. The branches of the poison ivy can be 6 feet long and leaves can be anywhere from 1" to 6" long. When the plant is large, clusters of dry looking whitish berries hang from the branches. Do not touch this plant! If you do touch it, scrub hard with soap and water and a washcloth or with sand, RIGHT AWAY. The oil of the plant can be transferred from one part of your body to another for a short while after initial contact but can be washed off before it can cause a reaction. It can also be transferred from clothing to your skin so be careful about how you handle clothing and objects that have contacted poison ivy. A reaction, a rash with watery blisters, can occur anytime from one day to one week after contact, usually according to the intensity of the contact. About 15% of people supposedly do not react to poison ivy but we don't recommend testing your tolerance.

The American Discovery Trail (ADT) is a bicoastal trail that is over 6300 miles long. How Many miles of the ADT is in West Virginia?
Answer: 276 miles

How many West Virginia counties does the ADT go through?
Answer: 9

What is West Virginia's state bird?
Answer: Cardinal

What is West Virginia's state flower?
Answer: Rhododendron

Travel West Virginia Trails Online - Hiking, bike, Ski, Horseback recreation trails and more!
Travel West Virginia Trails Online - Hiking, bike, Ski, Horseback recreation trails and more!
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